Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Some Pastoral Thoughts....

Today Josh, my 19 yr old son, left for basic training in the Navy. It is a rite of passage for members of my family – my grandfather, my uncles, my father and my brothers all served in the military. I had the privilege of serving in the Air Force and Army National Guard. And I have two nephews who are currently serving, one of which has been to Iraq and another who is in Afghanistan now. So there is much pride in my heart as I realize that my son carries on this great tradition of service to our country. However, I feel a sense of loss as well. I think back to the days that I wished I had spent with him, the times that I didn’t talk with him as much as I should have, the time that was wasted and is now forever lost, and I feel sadness. Part of me wishes I could go back in time and walk outside of my home to the yard and run around with a little boy who loved spending time with his dad. But another part of me is amazed that the same little boy is now a man who has pledged to fight for our country, and die defending it if necessary. May we hold all the little boys and girls in our lives tightly, while they are still our little boys and girls. May we “waste” our time loving them with games, smiles and laughter. And may we not forget to pray for all the grown up boys and girls who serve our country in the military and honor them for their service and sacrifice.

“...we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day.” II Corinthians 4:16