Monday, August 23, 2010

Scripture for Sunday, August 29th: Matthew 7:13-14

Sermon Title: If You Catch the Wrong Bus, You End Up in the Wrong Place

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."

Here's some devotional thoughts about this passage from the great Bible scholar, FB Meyer:

"It must be admitted that, in its first stages, the broad way is generally easy and rather delightful. The boat launched on the flowing stream sweeps merrily and pleasantly along, the gradient of the road slopes so as to make walking easy, the sun shines, and the path is filled with bright flowers. But to a life given up to self-indulgenece, there is only one end - destruction.

There is a more excellent way, but it is too narrow to admit the trailing garments of passionate desire, too narrow for pride, self-indulgence, greed and avarice - it is the Way of the Cross, but it leads to Life! We all want to see life - and the remarkable thing is that those who expect to get most out of it by self-indulgence miss everything; whilst those who seem to curtail their lives by following Christ, win everything. Few find and enter this path, is the lament of our Lord. Let us put our hand in His, that He may lead us into the path of life, 'that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.'"

This Sunday I will speak about this "more excellent way", a life that is committed and obedient to Christ, and fears the "broad road", the life of sin. Hope to see you then!