Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Scripture for February 13th: John 10:10

Sermon Title: One Life to Live - Living a No-Regrets Life

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."

Rev. Kerry Shook, author of the book, One Life to Live, writes the following about this verse:

"Jesus said my purpose is to give you life, to give you a zest for living, to give you an enthusiasm for your life, to fill you with passion. He says I want you to be a passionate person. Doctors today are always trying to come up with new medicines so that we can add years to our lives, so we can live longer. Jesus said I have come, not to add years to your life, but to add life to your years. I want you to live a passionate life so you will have no regrets."

This coming Sunday we will conclude a series of messages that I have been preaching through entitled, "One Month to Live." We have asked the question, "What would we do if we had only one month to live?" and tried to answer it during the previous five Sunday sermons. On Sunday we will ask that question and consider how our church would change. Hope to see you then!