Saturday, October 23, 2010

No Scripture for October 31, 2010: Concert with Captive Free

On Sunday, October 31st, we will have a concert with the group, Captive Free. Therefore, we will not have a traditional sermon or Scripture text.

On Sunday, October 24th, we concluded a series of messages based on the book, "Living With Confidence in a Chaotic World," by Dr. David Jeremiah. Here's a summary of those messages:

Stay Calm, John 14:1-6: It is important that we focus on God and the place He is preparing for us, heaven, as we travel through this world. We are not of this world; we are citizens of a heavenly country, and as such, we need to remember as we go through the chaos of the world that it will not last forever - we are travelers heading home to be with our God.

Stay Compassionate, I Thess. 3:11-13: Christians can either become harden because of the chaos of the world. Instead, we should become more sensitive to others around us that are struggling and express our compassion to our family, church, community and even enemies. Ultimately, we should build a legacy of compassion through the way we live our lives.

Stay Constructive, John 20:15-22: Every Christian is given a mission by God to bless others in their lives. In order to do this, we need to focus on the needs of others and less on our own needs and desires.

Stay Centered, Colossians 3:1-3: God asks us to center our lives on Him and His will, not on the chaos of our world. God controls all things, and because He does, we can trust our lives and circumstances to Him as we focus on His will for our lives.

Stay Consistent, I John 2:10-20: God asks us to stay consistent in our faith and trust of Him. We need to base our lives on God's Word and determine to apply it to our lives on a daily basis.

Stay Committed, James 5:7-11: In order to stay committed, we need patience. The patience we are required to have is an active faith that looks forward towards the future with hope and believes in God's continues work in our lives.

Dr. Jeremiah concludes his book with this statement:

"I believe Christians all over the world are wide awake and more aware of the time than we've ever been. As followers of Christ, we must be alert, watchful, and vigilant, with one eye on the headlines and the other on the eastern skies. That's what Paul is shouting: 'Awake! Awake! He's coming! Live every single moment for Him as if you knew this would be your last on earth and the sweet moment of reunion. Do nothing you wouldn't want to be doing when the Lord of the universe comes to claim His bride. The victory will be overwhelming - let's put on the armor of light and take our stand.'"

Amen! Let us live in light of His coming and the fact that this world is not forever- Christ will soon rule and the chaos of the world will be forever ended.

Hope to see you this coming Sunday as we enjoy the ministry of Captive Free!