Monday, July 5, 2010

Scripture for Sunday, July 11th: John 1:9-14

Sermon Title: You Can't Understand If You Don't Know the Language

Our text tells us that life is found in the light (see verse 4). Moses saw this same light in the burning bush (Exodus 3:2). Isaiah saw it in his heavenly vision (Isaiah 6:1-5). Peter, James and John saw it on the Mount of Transfiguration (Matthew 17:2). This light is Jesus Christ (v.9) and enlightens every person but the world refuses to receive this light and consequently the world does not know the source of the light where life is found (v. 10,11). Notice that those who do receive Him, He empowers to be transformed and enlightened, and they become His children (v.12). It is our responsibility as Christians to live in this light be being in fellowship with the Source, Jesus Christ, and point others to the light.

This week's sermon will focus on understanding three key terms that are basic to the Christian faith: mercy, grace and salvation (all of which are found in Sunday's Scripture text). These are three of the most common terms we use at church. They are powerful words, but if we fail to clearly define what they mean, we can't understand what God is trying to convey to us. So I hope to define these terms and apply them to our daily lives in my sermon on Sunday.

Have a blessed week and see you at church on Sunday!