Saturday, January 19, 2013

Scripture for Jan. 20th: Revelation 13:11-18

Sermon Title: The Beast of the Earth

"Then I saw another wild animal coming out of the earth. He had two horns like those of a lamb. His voice was like that of the dragon. He used the power of the first wild animal who was there with him. He made all the people on earth worship the first wild animal who had received the bad cut to kill him but was healed. The second wild animal did great powerful works. It spoke and made those who did not worship the first wild animal to be killed. He fooled the men of the earth by doing powerful works. He did these things in front of the first wild animal. He told those who live on the earth to make a god that looks like the first wild animal. The first wild animal was the one that was cut by the sword but lived. The second wild animal was given power to give life to the false god. This false god was the one that was made to look like the first wild animal. It was given power to talk. All those who did not worship it would die. The second wild animal made every person have a mark on their right hand or on their forehead. It was given to important men and to those not important, to rich men and poor men, to those who are free and to those who are servants. No one could buy or sell anything unless he had the mark on him. This mark was the name of the first wild animal or another way to write his name. This is wisdom. Let the person who has good understanding learn the meaning of the other way to write the name of the first wild animal. This name is a man’s name. It is 666.

"Revelation is a scary book." This was said to me recently when I told someone about the sermon series on Revelation. She said she never really read the book because it "sacred" her. And she went on to ask why God would allow such a book to be part of the Bible. Her view of Revelation is unfortunately common among many Christians. Because the images and descriptions that are found in Revelation are often disturbing, many Christians avoid reading it."

But Revelation was meant to be a book filled hope for the believer. It was written so that the believer would know that Christ would return to the earth one day and at His return, justice would prevail. Although it often looks as if injustice will regain forever on the earth, Revelation makes it clear that there is hope for those who long for a just world - the day will come when Christ will overcome the Devil and evil once and for all. The book also reminds us that we are to live our lives as if the world is passing - and to set our hearts and minds on the things that will last for eternity (Col. 3:1,2). Revelation is the end of a book, the Bible, and at the end of the book it proclaims that Christ is truly the ultimate Winner! This should be encouraging to every believer, particular those who struggle through troubling circumstances. The trials of this world will soon fade and shortly the day will come when Christ will grant to each believer the ultimate victory over sin, death and evil itself.

This coming Sunday we will talk more about why Revelation is a book of hope as we continue our sermon series, "The Remarkable Revelation." Hope to see you then!